Lead Service Line

Support Proactive Lead Service Line Removal Across the Country.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requiring all Public Water Systems to complete a nationwide Lead Service Inventory by October 2024. Through its Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan and Get the Lead Out Partnership, the Biden-Harris Administration has made accelerating the removal of lead service lines a top priority, with a goal of replacing all lead service lines. Under the statutory authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act the EPA is committed to using every tool available to replace lead pipes and protect children and communities across America from lead in drinking water.

The first step towards eliminating lead in our nations drinking water is to identify all sources of potential contamination. Establishing an inventory of service line materials and identifying the location of any lead in service lines is a key step in the effort of protecting public health.

Osceola Rural Water is tasked with verifying and creating a report that will identify the material of ALL lines that serve our customers. We are asking for your help to get this necessary information. Scheduling a visit for every service to inspect and take a photo is a difficult & costly task. Your assistance will minimize the financial impact associated with collecting this data and would help avoid any increased cost to customers for its completion.

Next steps: click the link below (insert link below to google form below) to complete a short questionnaire and submit a picture of your service. If help is required, please call our office and we can schedule a visit from one of our Water Technicians to assist with the survey. (All information you submit is confidential and no personal information will be shared with the IA DNR or EPA.)

Lead Service Line Reporting (google.com)






Additional helpful links:


youtube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6et78HZRquI

NRWA link: https://nrwa.org/issues/lead-and-copper-rule/

Iowa department of health on lead: https://hhs.iowa.gov/programs/programs-and-services/childhood-lead-poisoning-prevention-program

EPA lead information/informational links: https://www.epa.gov/lead


Office Phone: (712) 735-6795

lead service line

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